
How to Walk Out (From Being In)

This brief clip from the movie "Smoke Signals" (based on a story by Sherman Alexie) explores an interesting phenomenon: what happens when two American Indians from an isolated community reservation decide to walk out and into the mainstream world? Well, the journey starts with a lot of interesting misconceptions like the ones discussed in this short clip by Victor Joseph and Thomas Builds-A-Fire.


A Useful Speech

Most people can't recall their college commencement speaker's speech -- and with good reason. Commencement speeches tend to be rather uninspiring and impractical. Inevitably there is some discussion of the harsh world the graduates are entering and how they are equipped now to really make some changes and so should use their knowledge for the betterment of blah, blah, blah...

Then there are those monumental speeches like this one that Apple CEO Steve Jobs (who never graduated from college) gave at Stanford University in 2005. Most people don't remember the commencement speech from their graduation, but almost everyone who has seen this speech remembers it vividly because Jobs used the power of story and his personal life to give some real advice.


Leadership and Herding Cats

Herding cats is a common metaphor used to describe the challenge of leading and managing a difficult group or process. This advertisement uses the metaphor in a hilarious way.

Healing...the Indigenous Way

Noted Canadian Indian Actor Graham Greene spoofs the culture around "indigenous healing" as adopted by others for exploitation and profit.